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Damian Lillard Toyota
When was the last time you had a fun and exciting experience buying a car? It likely wasn't recent. Changing this standard was the goal for Brian Sanders in opening McMinnville's brand new Damian Lillard Toyota campus. Sanders relocated from Ridgefield, WA, where he spent a 21 year career leading Dick Hannah dealerships locations. In 2020 he jumped at the chance to open his own campus with Portland Trailblazers player and friend, Damian Lillard. Their brand has quickly become an established member of the McMinnville community. "We enjoy using our position in the community to support McMinnville and help make it a better place," Brian shares. In November 2021, following a strict statewide 2-week 'freeze' for businesses, Brian's team invited every restaurant in the city to sell them $100 gift cards. The gift cards were then donated to a local nonprofit to be distributed to families in need during the holiday season. In 2018, Brian and his family started up a nonprofit called A Working Family's Christmas, which provides meals and gifts for low-income working families in the Pacific Northwest. Today, between their charitable giving and their nonprofit, they have already put tens of thousands of dollars back into the local community in just a few months. "Showing our employees what we do for our community inspires them and they have helped us give back in a big way. We're here to serve, not to sell cars. The business will come if we do the right thing for our people and our community," Brian shares. Serving their community to their fullest extent is something that appealed to Brian about First Federal. He explains, "Damian Lillard and I share one trait above all others: Loyalty. We want to support our people and the businesses that support our communities. Simply put, we believe if we serve Yamhill County well, the community will support us and we will be fiercely loyal to our community. Why bank with an institution that has roots elsewhere? First Federal supports local people buying homes, starting businesses, and buying cars. Banking with First Federal was not just a good choice, in my opinion it was the only choice." Serving the entire PNW from McMinnville, you can visit Damian Lillard Toyota at 3142 NE Doran Drive or online at www.damianlillardtoyota.com.
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