Our customer testimonials prove that the right bank can make a big difference. When it comes to both banking and lending, our customers know that a community bank has their needs in mind first. Find out why others have chosen to trust us for their financial solutions. Remnant Initiatives
Beginning her career in community-based healthcare, Remnant Initiative’s Executive Director, Jodi Hansen, never expected to run a nonprofit. Her business development and organizational management skills have allowed her to successfully pair her passion with her work ethic to create Yamhill County’s only nonprofit supporting the previously incarcerated. Since 2017, Remnant Initiatives has been dedicated to removing barriers to success for individuals re-entering the community, promoting a pro-social community, advocating for change in the criminal justice system, and building awareness for re-entry within communities. Their mission to support community well-being has factored into every decision they make, including where they bank. Jodi explains, “We wanted our bank to be local. We did not want them to be big and far, far away. We needed a bank that was small enough to make a call that if I walked in with someone who on paper might not be a good fit, they would look at the person as a whole and see that they have been working and actively learning how to manage their money and would find a way to support them that was secure for both parties.” “Lisa and Monica at the Newberg Branch know me the second I walk in and always serve with such compassion and a positive attitude.” The organization has been a recipient of First Federal’s Giving Programs many times. They have received Grants for capital improvements, and have received a First Federal-funded Linfield University Intern. “It was amazing that we didn’t have to use funds that would have gone to meeting the basic needs of the people we serve, our Neighbors In Transition (NITs) and that was the moment when we moved from a customer relationship with First Federal to living consistently with our mission.” Since their inception, they have helped 135 people return to the community, 17 of which have achieved the highest level of self-sufficiency and graduated from their programs. During the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown, Remnant Initiatives, like many other community organizations, had to make drastic changes to the way they typically operate. Their cost per NIT for basic things they need following release has increased by almost $200. “COVID-19 can’t stop us,” Jodi states, “95% of everybody we incarcerate is coming right back to the neighborhood so it’s in the community’s best interest that they successfully reintegrate, even now.” With testing and isolation following release, they are working with other community organizations to provide safe housing and transportation, and is working with a limited volunteer base to limit potential viral exposure. You can visit their website at www.remnantinitiatives.org to learn more about Remnant Initiatives and their critical work in our community. |